Are there two men in Spider-Man 2099?

It has long been known that Miguel O’Hara, aka Spider-Man from 2099, will play a major role in the upcoming sequel, Spider-Man: Through the Spider-Verse. With a futuristic wall-crawler voiced by Oscar Isaac Moon Knight And the star Wars fame, Miguel seems to not quite get along with Miles Morales. Featured in the first film’s post-credit sequence, O’Hara’s latest trailer is front and center, with stills spawning a wild theory here at

At one point during the last trailer that landed earlier today, we see Miguel on display quite often, with one scene, in particular, that had us scratching our heads thanks in part to his Spider-Man suit receiving a different color scheme. . While this may be a result of the environment around him, this does not appear to be the case for Miles, Gwen, and an elderly Peter Parker. Marvel comics have us producing the theory that the movie may actually contain two different characters from Spider-Man 2099, one being Miguel O’Hara and the other being someone very close to the future superhero who helped launch that Marvel line back in the ’90s.

2099 times two

In Marvel Comics, Miguel had a brother named Gabriel who played a huge role in his life, and he was one of the first to realize that his brother was the new Spider-Man who was bouncing back in time and fighting against the nefarious corporation known as Alchemax. In the latest trailer for via spider-versewe can see Miguel looking at a photo of a person named “Gabriella”, who may or may not be related to this Spider-Man in some way, and is obviously named after Gabriel.

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(Image: Sony Animation)

Also in the trailer, we see Spider-Man 2099 take on Miles, Gwen Stacy, and Peter B. Parker in a costume that appears to have a yellow and purple outline instead of dark blue and red. While this may be Miguel, the comics introduced a previous Spider-Man 2099 named “Gabriel O’Hara II”, the offspring of Miguel who was looking to follow in his father’s footsteps and keep up the crime-fighting tradition wearing a suit that was quite similar to his aging father dear.

(Image: Marvel Comics)

With so many Spider-People running around in this trailer, there is certainly an argument to be made that there could be several Spider-Men from 2099 doing the same thing. Miguel O’Hara clearly has an ax to grind with Miles Morales, swarming thousands of spiderwebs to bring him down, and Gabriel O’Hara may be part of the story to help balance out his father.

Do you think we’ll see many more Spider-Men from the year 2099 in next year’s highly anticipated sequel? Feel free to tell us in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the Spider-Verse universe.



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